If you have a pet at home, you’re in good company. More than 85 million households in America include…
You want your home to look its best, but some days it seems like your family and pets are conspiring…
Picking new carpet for your home can be a demanding process, but you’re not in it alone! Ashley Phipps…
Estimating for new carpet may seem confusing. Most rooms aren’t perfect rectangles, so it’s hard to…
Who doesn’t love soft carpet? The feeling of sinking your bare toes into the lush pile is so luxurious.…
For homeowners everywhere, especially families on-the-go, it’s a battle as old as time: beautiful…
We hear this question a lot. The best carpet or rug in the world won’t perform well if you don’t vacuum…
Rugs are one of my favorite ways to up the cozy factor and give a room a finished look. I love…
Coffee. Red Wine. Ketchup and mustard. Just the mention of these most common stain offenders is enough…